As you have probably heard, the AZ Supreme Court ruled last week to revert back to an old Anti-Abortion law from 1864. In less than 14 days, a women's right to make their own healthcare decisions with their families and medical professionals will be stripped away. This law is a total abortion ban. The only exception for an abortion is to save the life of the mother. We need to stop this assault on women's rights!
Arizona For Abortion Access is a collective effort to safeguard and expand reproductive rights in our state. Our organization and many others have partnered with AAA and are circulating petitions to put the "right to choose" on the ballot in November. If you have not signed this petition, you need to do so as soon as you can! We need a significant cushion over the roughly 384,000 needed to get the initiative on the ballot to ensure that petitions will successfully withstand the expected efforts of anti-choice activists to invalidate signatures for any reason.
Where to sign? We have many opportunities across the valley. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO FIND THE ONE CLOSEST TO YOU!