Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) is one of the best ways to Get Out the Vote and help elect our preferred candidates! N2N is Indivisible’s innovative community conversation program aimed at reaching households in Arizona and other battleground states around the country. With less than two weeks left before the election, we need all hands on deck to help bring this election home for all of us.
Here’s what you need to know about N2N.
The Goal - to provide your like-minded neighbors with information and help them vote all the way down the ballot.
How Do It Do That? Sign up HERE with your address and the system will email you 10 progressive-leaning neighbors along with a short script and best practices information.
Then What? Review the script and instructions. Print the CD1 Ballot Guide HERE and bring a copy with you when you knock on your neighbor’s door.
What if No One Is Home? Write a note on the Ballot Guide that says something like: “Sorry I missed you. Hope you find this helpful”. Sign it with your name and your address (or "Your neighbor"). If you’re comfortable, leave a phone number offering help if they have questions on their ballot.
What If Someone Is Home? Introduce yourself, follow the N2N script, offer the Ballot Guide to help them (mention the propositions and judges), thank them for their time and leave.
If you haven’t tried it yet, please do. It’s easy, fun and very fulfilling!
A special shout out to those who are using N2N! Thank you so much! You are truly making a difference!
If you have questions, please respond to this email or attend the N2N hangout on Monday, October 28 at 5 pm AZ time.
For More Information about N2N, Click HERE!